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24k Gold

Gold Dust in gastronomy

Gold has always been associated as a standard of success, power and luxury. This precious metal has always been an object of desire, such was the ambition that has marked the history over the years and have been created myths and legends about this precious metal.

All cultures have been seduced by the beauty of its bright color: from the time of the Roman patricians with large cakes covered with gold leaf, to sixteenth-century Venice whose theory was “relieve rheumatism and strengthen the heart” and of course the wonderful Chinese culture, which, like the Egyptians, have been used since ancient gold as an ingredient for medicinal preparations, seeing it as beneficial to health.

Today some scholars maintain these old theories, and agree that gold intake provides the body with several benefits, eliminating toxins and slowing skin aging. Also non-toxic and remains unchanged against biological fluids such as blood, sweat, heat, water, air and solvents before, so that it has acquired the name “Noble Metal”.

In recent years it has professionalized its use as a culinary, this has allowed the most sophisticated restaurants and trendy bars offer guests exclusive dishes and drinks flavored with carats. A fad which started in France, was imported to Italy and the U.S. and has spread to every continent, reaching Spain where it has achieved the most success with Vin Doré 24K.
